Tuesday, May 10, 2011

What I (Will Have) Did This Summer

Okay.  So I have been reading this book of Lovecraft off-an-on for over two months now and I just recently got to what I really wanted, the humble yet utterly horrifying beginnings of the Cthulhu mythology.  You must understand how frustrating it was for me to sit and read the 200 pages of stuff leading up to this, especially when you take into account that he is incredibly verbose.  I mean, Lovecraft is an intense writer with some prosaic (read: really tough) prose.  But it took me quite some time, and I was rather ready to finally read the words, "Cthulhu R'lyeh" when they came up (although I had some understandable trouble pronouncing them).  
Now I don't expect you to feel sorry for me.  And if you do, don't.  After all, I have had nothing but time since graduation in December.  Sure, I had a few obligations and such, things I had to do and just couldn't sluff off, but that took up no more than 5% of my time over the last five months.  Couldn't be any more than that.  The rest of that time was me sitting at home watching tv with my family, hanging out with friends in Athens (TLN, holla!), or just generally oversleeping.  
By this point I have successfully translated all of your pity into loathing, to which I say, "Mission Accomplished!" Because here is the point I am getting at:  


(Hope the flash helps bring to light my obvious sincerity)
But seriously.  I am sorry.  I told you all (hey guys) a few weeks ago that I would be shortly preparing to post the conclusion to "Will Baker is Dead," and I still have not done that.  Of course, most of you will just tell me that you don't have the time to read it right now anyway, but your lack of enthusiasm and general concern is no excuse for laziness on my part!  I said I would do it, and I shall...soon.
Seriously, though, I plan on releasing the final chapters in the coming weeks after I have edited them.  And I will start this Friday.  My goal is to be ready for a new Summer Serial by the first Friday in June!  Yes, I'm sticking to that format again.  I like it and it worked pretty well for me last Summer, so why not?  Every Friday until August (Four in June and five in July), I will be releasing to you a new chapter of my newest Summer Serial: TBA.
Aye, that is the rub.  I haven't the foggiest idea what to write for you all this Summer.  It makes me sad, really.  Not that I don't have ideas I've been wanting to work on, but I don't have any that I think work well for this format.  But I want to do another one because it worked.  I had great success in actually consistently working last Summer, and I would very much like to experience that again.  So, this is where a little "Reader Response" comes in to play.  Tell me what you want to read.  What sorts of things do you enjoy reading during the Summer?  What stories do you want to hear?  I can't promise you that I'll cater to your every whim and fancy: I do have principles.  But I think your input and your ideas will help me winnow through some of the ideas I have floating around in the background.  I want to know what you want to hear.  And no, I am not above just giving you what you want to hear.  In this case.
So let me know!  Fill my inbox, leave some comments, for Heaven's sake, Tweet me!  I don't care how you do it, just let me know what you want to read for a Summer Serial in 2011.  June and July could be great, nay, watershed months for literature if you let them.  So tell me, and let yourself let me let you enjoy the great literature that you let me let you read.  Because it's coming.  I promise.
Also, I haven't been very good at general blogging lately.  Aside from the fiction I want to provide you with soon, I also want to get back to some all-around good natured, "Well let me tell you what I think..." writing.  You don't get enough of that these days, whether it be from me or from some freckle-faced kid with a shaggy haircut and a trendy gray laptop.  So I want to give you more of it!  My goal before has always been to post at least once a month (HINT: I failed in Jan. and April), so let's up the ante.  Now, fiction aside, I am going to post for you guys at least once a week.  Maybe.  If I can.  We'll see.  Let's just call it an outside chance, okay?
So there you have it.  My summer plans: write another book (one week at a time for all of you lovely people), write more blogs, and get a wax.  Except I didn't tell you that part before.  I just decided on that one now.
Also, in the time it took me to type the above, I've already gotten a few ideas as to what I want to write for y'all this Summer.  So, if you want your voice to be heard, you better start speaking up soon.  The first Friday in June is only...(leaves to check a calendar)...22 days away (and I'd really like to get started on this thing before then, if you know what I'm saying).

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Adam Wynn is a self-loathing writer who hails from Dacula, GA.  He also likes to speak in the 3rd person when writing unnecessary author's notes such as this.  He is a very social networker, making frequent appearances on Twitter (@42Cobras), Facebook (Adam Wynn), X-Box Live (UGAWynner), Xanga (J146), and MySpace (Kinda Forgot This One).  He is also the author of the "Internet Novel," Will Baker is Dead, which made it's debut on this very blog.  He is also an avid Netflix-er.  Y'know, in case you wanted to know.