I turn 21 in about 13 hours and 18 minutes. What the heck?!
Let's see. It used to be that you could vote at 21. At 21 you can buy alcohol. At 21, you are considered an adult.
But what if I don't feel like an adult? I'm in my fourth-year of college, I spend my days at Grayson HS helping teach students, I am working at becoming a full-blown professional, yet I do not in the least bit feel like an adult.
How do you handle that? In a few hours, I will "officially" be an adult according to some. Yet, really, when is that moment of adultization? Or is the realization of how far from adulthood you are important? I don't know, man. This is insane. I can't believe that I'll be 21 in a few hours, and even more so, be an "adult." Wow.
Ps. I've got a new short coming soon that I'm really excited about. You guys will (hopefully) love it! Sweet. See y'all then.
4th & 3 Dudes - a CHAMPIONSHIP episode!
2 months ago