Hey, y'all. So...this is a new blog. Obviously. Don't really have time to post anything long or substantial right now, I just wanted to announce my presence to the world and hope that y'all come visit me often. Also, I hope y'all will take time to explore the blog. There isn't much in the way of excitement...yet! But, I will try to have a "Hindi Word of the Week (or however often I post)" just because I like reader involvement.
To add a little substance before you get involved, this is a little bit about me. I'm a third-year student at the University of Georgia. I love Bulldog Football and Athens, GA. I'm from a small town in rural GA called Dacula. If you're not familiar, that's okay. But I promise you, it's a great place to be. I love it! I love to write, which is why I decided to actually put this up in the first place. I also love McDonald's and Campton's fried chicken. If you've never been there, I must insist that you look it up online (I'm sure you can find Campton's somewhere) and make the trip immediately. It's a small restaurant between Winder, GA and Monroe, GA, but much closer to Monroe. I don't care how far the trip is for you, do it. Even my international readers (ha...ha)!
I love Movies. My current collection of DVDs, mostly $5 DVDs at Wal-Mart or previously viewed from Blockbuster, is about 75 or so. It doesn't grow much while I'm home for the summer, because I don't make many trips to Wal-Mart, but now that I'm back in Athens, I've picked up a couple. I especially enjoy MAKING movies, though. Some friends of mine and I have incorporated a little "production company." We're not constantly working, but when we do, it's a thing of beauty. I've also been privileged to work with GTV, or Housing 12. This is the resident housing television station at the University of Georgia. So, I spend alot of time around cameras/people with cameras. It's fun for me.
I especially enjoy Country Music, which might or might not make me sound like a redneck. Don't really care. It's good stuff.
Lastly, I am a Christian. I mention this because it is a huge part of my life. My God has defined my life more than anything else. Jesus Christ saved my life (read: physical/spiritual) about five and a half years ago (May 2003) and has since been doing an amazing work in me, especially lately.
I work with the Baptist Collegiate Ministries (BCM) at UGA trying to help Freshmen grow in their faith, as well as the general goal of reaching this campus for Christ. At the same time, though I know what I believe and I will not be shaken on that, I try to listen to people and not ignore or demean their beliefs. It's a tough balance, or so people think at least, but it is very much possible. Treat people like people, and you'll get a long way.
So, now that you know a little more about me, I hope you'll enjoy checking back frequently and seeing what's going on over here. I'm not really sure how frequently I'll update (if ever, knowing me), but I hope you enjoy what you get. Even if this is all it is. Good luck on today's Hindi word, and GO DAWGS! SINK THE 'DORES!
Hindi Word of the Week: बुल्ल्डोग
Hint for HWotW: I promise you, this word isn't orange.
PS! Let me add that this blog is named "42Cobras" for a very specific reason. About a month ago, one of my old professors was giving a reading in Athens. I went to hear it, and afterwards, some folks (including a fellow blogger who is much more advanced and familiar with this process, go read him, link at the bottom) were asking him if he had any published work. Well, he said that a website had published some of his poems, and we should go read it at 42opus.com. I don't hear well, and could've sworn he said "42cobras." So, I decided that I would get a website called 42cobras.com. Although I'm still only at blogspot, I've made a huge step in getting this process completed. We'll see what happens!
4th & 3 Dudes - a CHAMPIONSHIP episode!
2 months ago
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