Yes, it is Four AM, and I'm wide awake. That is partially due to the fact that I've had nothing official to do for the last few weeks. I graduated from UGA, as you probably know, on May 8th. Now, I'm at home simply helping around the house and doing what I can while I can.
I finished the long-awaited short story "Have Souls, Will Travel," the other night, and I can't WAIT to post it VERY soon. I'd like to put it up within 48 hours if I get all the editing done. If you want a synopsis, here you go. The story follows this kid whose grandfather dies. His grandfather is the only preacher in Horizon, GA circa. 1910. So the poor kid (I say kid, he's 15) is left with his grandfather's church and a whole town that wants nothing to do with it. Someone then comes into his life, like an answered prayer, and offers his services. Ichabod Beels, the travelling preacher, promises the boy, Young Jacobs (that's his name, long story, you'll figure it out), that he will help get the people back in his grandfather's church in time. Along the way, Young Jacobs starts to notice something less than normal about his new friend, and thus drives the plot of "Have Souls, Will Travel." I really hope y'all enjoy it, I'm pretty proud of it.
The main reason I am posting this update, sort of, is because I've been wondering about a few things. I really want to utilize this blog more than I have been and I want to run an idea past y'all. I thought tonight about starting a serial. What if I had a serial story that followed a certain plot for a few weeks, introducing one new portion a week? Would that interest some of y'all, my faithful readers? Let me know what you think. I'd very much like to do this, and would like to see if y'all would enjoy it. If I decide to start this project, it may take a couple weeks to start. I've got another idea I want to write, first, another little short that I've been thinking about. It's called, "Black Sock Day," and that's all you get for now. I only tell you because I want you to know why I'm not rushing immediately into the serial idea. You'll have to wait for any more on "Black Sock Day," but it hopefully won't take NEARLY as long as "Have Souls..." did. I've been working on it since November at a very slow pace.
So yeah. That's all for now. I also will soon be posting about the Practical God, but I'm not there yet. That's still an idea I've been struggling with, but the basic point is that God does not do things out of whim. He has practical purposes and reasons. He does not ask us to do things because He can. He asks things of us because they will either benefit us or because He will use them to work in someone else's life. Either way. So yeah. This is another pseudo-devotional I'll be putting up after a while, as soon as I've really thought through it. I look forward to talking to y'all soon, and I really hope y'all will leave some comments or something, let me know you read.
Most importantly, tell me if you think you'd read a serial updated weekly. I'd do my best to make it interesting, and I think I've already got the play figured out. And if I go with what I'm thinking right now, you'll all enjoy it very much. But until then...time to maybe go to bed. I've gotta be up at 7:15ish.
Adam W.
Phil. 3:12-14
4th & 3 Dudes - a CHAMPIONSHIP episode!
2 months ago
1 comment:
i'll totally follow dude
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