Hey, y'all! First of all, I just want to say what a pleasure it has been writing "Will Baker is Dead" for everyone out there. I have immensely enjoyed this, and I really hope you have, too. That is precisely why it is with great sadness that I must announce that the remainder of "Will Baker is Dead" has been cancelled and I will no longer be able to update you with new episodes.
No, I'm just kidding. Wouldn't that be awful?
But seriously, I have hit a bit of a rough patch with my own personal time constraints. So, for the rest of this publishing process, I am going to push back the goal publication time for each episode to 3pm on SUNDAY afternoon. I am doing this for two reasons. The first one is because I need the extra time. I just can't write and edit an episode in the previous format anymore. Although I am sure this will come as no surprise to most of you, I would sit up until late hours in the past, usually staying up until 3am or 4am (sometimes later) on a Thursday night just so I could be done come Friday afternoon. With classes at 9am on MWF every week, I can no longer afford to do that. That means I need more time to work on an episode.
Now I know my more astute readers will notice that there is the same amount of time between 4pm on Friday and the next Friday at 4pm as there is between Sundays at 3pm each week. As true as that is, you also must recognize the difference in time that makes. By having a weekend to work on my current episode, I allow myself more quality working time. Before, I viewed my weekends as a time to rest from the writing process and think about the next episode. I know that sounds stupid (and it is admittedly unwise), but that was how I worked this summer. Now, I need those few days to really work on each episode. Then again, starting next week I must also contend with Georgia Football Season, so we'll see what happens to my productivity.
My second reason is simply this. Due to getting out of class at 3:20pm every Friday, I am physically incapable of publishing consistently at 4pm on Fridays. I can't get from school to home where my computer is by 4pm, so I was going to have to make a change, anyway. It's just that this change is a little bit more...change-y. Yeah.
I also want to talk about two pretty cool things that are going on in my life right now. First, I am now officially a published and (hopefully) paid writer. Like, in print. On paper. I've had two Opinions columns posted in The University of Georgia's Official Independently Owned and Operated Student Run Newspaper, the Red and Black. I was pretty proud of both of them, and I would encourage each and every one of you to check them out.
The last thing I want to talk about is my living at home right now. There are two main reasons that this is relevant, and the first on is pretty obvious. See, when I was living in Athens all by myself, there were so many fewer distractions to working on "Will Baker," so I was more easily able to pump out an episode a week. Now, I have to really focus if I want to work on anything at all. So there's that. But there's also this, and I have no shame mentioning this because I doubt it was a real secret. I didn't really want to move back. I spent a summer with the illusion of independence thrust at me almost physically tangible, and I loved it. I thrived in that environment, learning how to make meals out of whatever I had at the moment, and learning how to properly manage myself, my time, and my (limited) finances. It was great! But now, I'm back home, and it felt really rough at first. But it got to a point where I really prayed about it and I asked God to help me. It wasn't what I expected, but He was there for me. I'm going to talk more about that story coming up real soon in a blog posting entitled, "When Life Gives you Lemons, God Gives you Spiders." You'll get it, I promise.
I can't wait for everyone to read the latest installment in "Will Baker is Dead," this Sunday at 3pm! For now, I've gotta get some sleep. The alarm clock will start hollering for me in about six hours, and I really oughta be there to answer when it does.
Adam "Not W. Like the President" Wynn
Phil. 3:12-14
4th & 3 Dudes - a CHAMPIONSHIP episode!
2 months ago
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